Warming the House

We invited folks from our works as well as a few other friends, including our neighbors.

Tess's flag football season is in full swing. She gets a lot of play time on the JV squad and is enjoying the season.

Stephen heads off on a moose hunt this evening. He and a fellow from his office are driving up to the area around the Denali Highway to try their luck this week. They plan to return next Sunday. They have a decent chance of getting at least one moose if not one each... In addition, that area is FULL of grizzlies, so they're hoping maybe to get one of those as well, if it's feasible. Of course, they'll be hiking in to their hunt site which means any game they take will need to be carried back out to the truck on their backs. 1000 lbs of moose meat will take several trips.

In political news, you may have heard (hard not to have) that our own Sarah Palin has been added to the Republican presidential ticket. Most folks in Alaska were stunned to hear this. I don't think we were stunned because we didn't think she was worthy. We adore her as a governor. I think we were stunned because most things Alaskan tend to be ignored in the national arena. So to suddenly find Alaska all over the national news is a little different for us.
It seems like anything you hear about Alaska outside of Alaska pertains to either tourism or oil. Who knew we had vice presidential candidates in our midst as well?