A close friend of mine, someone I work with, died suddenly last week of a heart attack. His funeral is tomorrow. Our whole office will be there, of course. I'm baking little shortbread squares to bring to the reception afterwards.
It's crazy how life throws in these curves. We can never know when our time will be up. It's so important to do everything we possibly can for as long as we can. Live life. Enjoy life. Be enjoyable in your life. Love your life... with all its ups and downs.
This past Sunday, our pastor's sermon included a bit about chocolate chip cookies. So, naturally, I paid close attention.
He said God's recipe for our lives is like the recipe for making chocolate chip cookies. On their own, some of the ingredients aren't all that pleasing to consume. But mixed together just right, they become something wonderful.
Lately, I've been sitting in my reading nook with a book called The Shack. Our church is doing a book club on it during October, so I'm getting a head start on reading it. In some ways, it's hard to read, but I suspect I will be altered and glad to have persisted in the end.