Saturday, January 19, 2013

Under the Weather

Well, it's been a rough week.  First, Stephen was sick.  Then, we all were sick.  We are all still sick, which is distressing as we're supposed to leave for Maui in 2 days. 

For quite a while we have been without much snow on the ground.  Last week the temps warmed up so much that it rained and created an ice rink on the roads, driveways, and parking lots.  This week we got over a foot of snow which successfully trapped us at the house for a couple of days.  But that was okay as we were too sick to go anyplace anyway.

Alicia was trying her darndest to feel better by yesterday (Friday), so she and Stephen could attend the "Me & My Guy Dance" being held by the Girl Scouts.  Unfortunately, Stephen was unable to fake being well enough to attend.  So, Donald stepped in and acted as her escort.  They had an enjoyable time, but I think it wore poor Alicia out.  She's resting on the couch today.

Hopefully my next post will report a better health outlook!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

We have plunged our way into the New Year... 

Alicia went back to school this week.  I am back to my regular work routine.  Which is to say, I spend several mornings each week sitting at a corner table of the coffee shop using their free WiFi and abundant heat. 

Our family makeup has changed a little since my last post, at least in the canine department.  We tried our darndest to get Buster, the blue heeler, to get over his fear of men.  But, the high levels of stress it was creating in our house wasn't doing anyone any good.  So, we ended up rehoming him to a single woman who lives nearby in Eagle River.  She'd had a heeler for 12 years and had just had to put her down last year.  So, not only is she familiar with Buster's breed, she's also the right gender for his comfort zone.  Win win!

After Christmas, we adopted a new little lightening bolt named Sunny.  She's a mutt, but appears to be a papillon mix of some sort.  According to the adoption group, she's about a year old.  And, she's very friendly.  She adores everyone and zips around the house like a streak when she's not curled up in a ball, fast asleep. 

In November, we spent 10 days traveling between Ohio and Virginia.  It was great to get away from Alaska and spend some time with family for Thanksgiving.  We haven't spent a holiday with family for years!

Around that time, we had a little snow and then our temperatures took a steep dive and stayed well below zero for several weeks.  Temps that low mean no snow.  No snow means Alicia's ski lessons got off to a really slow start!  She's doing the Jr. Nordic Ski program this year.  They meet two evenings a week to learn how to cross-country ski.  But if there's not enough snow on the trail or the temps drop below zero, the session is cancelled.  She's only had 4 sessions since the season began in late November. 

I'll try to post a little more regularly.  Now that the holidays are behind us, I should have a little more time to keep up with my high priority tasks such as writing this blog!