Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday morning. Yee haw.

We had a decent weekend. Didn't seem to get much done... although the intentions were there. We successfully talked about most of the stuff we should be getting done. So that's something, right?

Oh, I've been meaning to mention that Stephen did enjoy his day at work on Friday. Largely because he wasn't actually at work but out in the field. He and another fella went about an hour's drive north to inspect 3 houses which are about to be washed away by a meandering river.

He really liked the area. One house he particularly liked. Big house, good spaces... for family, hobbies, workshops, etc. Plus, it had a rebel flag hung somewhere. And it was chock full of firearms! He said the husband had 4 gun safes side by side in a room upstairs. This would lead one to believe that he was a careful sort of fellow who went to great lengths to keep his arsenal under lock and key. But then Stephen went on to say that because they live right next to a river (you really couldn't get much closer!), they are able to hunt from their living room. So there's a gun on every windowsill...

I can just imagine it...

Hey, honey, what's for dinner?

Hold on, let me see... (opens windowshade, takes aim.... BLAM!) Looks like moose tonight!


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