Monday, January 29, 2007

Family Updates

Stephen: Still dealing with headaches… mostly on weekends when he spends a lot of time with the family. Could be related… He’s also working on joining the Alaska Defense Force. He’s got the paperwork started. He was in the Virginia Defense Force and really enjoyed it. I think the ADF operates a little differently. But I’ve been told by my boss that they are a good group and are pretty active.

Tricia: Making plans for my conference trip to San Diego in June. Still haven’t decided if/how I’ll be getting to DC at the end of April. Money’s tight, but then again, I have been trying to get this meeting for 5 years… Hmmm. At work, I’m busy facilitating and developing GIS training for the masses. I’m hoping to take some of the training on the road to Fairbanks and Juneau later in the Spring.

Donald: His basketball team won the tournament this weekend. They are undefeated. I said in an earlier post that they’d lost one game thus far… but apparently I was mistaken. They’re 12-0. And at this point, they’ve played all the teams in their league. Saturday’s championship game was a very close game, but they finally got a decent lead in the 4th quarter and won by around 12 points or so.

Tess: Her ankle is fully recovered. She wears ankle braces for all basketball activities and has been having her ankles taped for games. Her team is also doing very well this season. She has a French competition (poem recitation) this coming Saturday as well as a basketball tournament on the 1st-3rd. She’s also involved in a few other academic competitions including one in math and one in English (again poetry recitation).

Alicia May: She is now 2 and has been coached on answering folks correctly when she is interrogated regarding her age. She has yet to master the holding up of 2 fingers, however. So she’ll tell you she’s two, but hold up all five fingers. An overachiever already! Potty training is going okay. She’s used the potty a few times over the weekend. But only for peeing. Pooping is done by squatting in the corner of the living room with a concentrated look on her face. Maybe she’s a third-world baby after all and would prefer a hole in the floor to her Winnie-the-Pooh potty seat with sound effect flush lever. (“All done!” –whooosssshhhhh)

Little Bit: Changing name to Lotta Bit... exercise regimen being increased.

Elmo: Appreciating efforts by humans to maintain pristine litterbox. Still hiding from Alicia May.


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