Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sunday Scenery

Can you find the moose lying down in this photo?

I snapped this shot behind the church this morning. You should see a mommy moose and her baby moose. I was hoping she would stand up, but she seemed content to lounge around in the snowbank.

After church we took a spin around Eagle River to drive by a few houses on the market. Near the Taco Bell we came across 3 eagles sitting near one another in some bare tree branches. Here's the one we found to be the most photogenic.

We've come to the realization that we either need to lower our standards or find more lucrative employment if we're going to be able to qualify for buying a house this summer. We're still not positive we'll be buying this year. But it's fun to look. A lot depends on what happens with our Virginia house.


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Kate + Raymond Abels said...

Very nice eagle pic!
So did anyone you know win the race?

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

Nobody's won yet. But the winner should arrive in Nome by very early Wednesday morning. They are nearing the final stretch. Our guy's in like 16th place. But Lance Mackey's currently leading and I wouldn't mind seeing him win. Check out for updates...


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