Friday, May 11, 2007

A Whale of a Time

This photo is from yesterday's Anchorage Daily News.

Those industrious folks up in Barrow snagged another whale! Party at the Igloo tonight! :o)

When one crew gets a whale, it is credited to the captain of the crew. But then it is shared with everyone in the town, I believe. It's a team effort to "process" a whale. And you thought quartering a moose sounded daunting...

So, for the record, we're up to 17 hours 7 minutes of daylight. Sunrise here in Anchorage was at 5:24am and sunset will be at 10:31pm. When I'm up in Fairbanks in a couple weeks, we'll have even MORE daylight than we get in Anchorage. That is truly the land of the midnight sun. Of course, up in Barrow, it's basically daylight from now till September or something...


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