Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Where Things Stand

The dog is banished to her dog pen for urinary transgressions.

The cat is recovering well from his eye surgery and face lift.

Alicia May had her toenails painted pink today for the very first time. This was performed by her personal nanny, a.k.a. "Sissy".

Tess is banned from the internet and TV for another few days and thus has little better to do than to paint toddler toenails and improve her child care providing technique. Flag football practice and tryouts start next week. She's decided to do this instead of cheerleading this year.

Donald resigned from the child care profession a couple weeks ago due to irreconcilable differences with his sibling colleague. He is supposedly seeking employment outside the home, as yet to no avail.

I am preparing for my 3rd day in the Willow Sub-basin tomorrow doing field review. Our 4th day will be on or around August 15th and will involve 2-3 hours in a floatplane operated by Rust's Flying Service. I'll be sure to take good photos...

Stephen was feeling under the weather yesterday, during which time he was most productive in straightening the house. I'm thinking he may need to be ill more often! He's better today and whipped up some steaks on the grill for dinner.

We have out of town guests coming in later this week. What better reason to do some more exploration of our beautiful state?


At 4:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like ups and downs. Fun Fun The float trip sounds great. I'm looking forward to seeing some beautiful pictures. :o)



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