Thursday, November 08, 2007

Juneau GIS Conference

This was the group at the Southeast Alaska GIS Conference earlier this week. I was the self-designated, event photographer. I'm sending the Central Council all the photos I took. Of course, since I took all the photos, that means I'm not in any of them... Story of my life.

Most of the folks in these photos are either from the Tlingit or Haida tribes. This is how they dress. Just like every other American.

They drive the same cars we drive. They use the same cell phones we use. They have many of the same hobbies, professions, and interests as you and I.

Anyway, it was a good training session/conference... especially for the first time around.

As it turned out, it was good that I flew into Juneau on Sunday night because the snow on Monday caused all incoming flights to be diverted to Sitka. So I would have been stranded there until the weather cleared enough for a Juneau landing...


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