Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the cookie crumbles...

Sometimes you work so hard for something, you can't fathom any other outcome than success. So when it all comes crumbling down around you, despite your best efforts, it can be a little traumatic. (to say the least)

Remember the gingerbread carousel?

It took a solid 3 days to make.... and about 10 seconds to come crashing down in the passenger seat beside me as I drove it home from the bank.

Of course, it was dark because the sun goes down at around 4pm and I picked it up after work. So I couldn't quite see what was happening. I could just hear a trickle of little icing decor falling on hard gingerbread. But that didn't last too long... Just long enough for me to convince myself it would be okay and I could still repair the minor damage which might be occurring. Then... CRASH!

I shared this tale with both Tess and Stephen at separate times, later that evening. Both had the same initial response: "Did you swear?" Hmmm.

But you know the surprising thing? I didn't.

Sometimes crappy things happen. And at that moment when it did, yes, I was momentarily traumatized. But I was also driving down the highway with a toddler strapped in a carseat in the back seat. And I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do to change or improve the situation. Basically, it wasn't worth the stress, anger, or remorse. Best to just pick up the pieces and move on.

I think sharing the general tragedy with others also helped to lessen the blow. This is true for most situations. Unless you're a hermit living in a hole alone (in which case you wouldn't be reading this), there's no good reason not to share your burdens. By doing so, you allow others to realize that your sorrows are not caused by them, for starters. You also have the potential to gain a valuable different perspective on your woes.

First of all, folks love to hear that others have problems. It makes their own seem less tragic. Secondly, they may have good ideas on how to proceed with your problems, or how to handle them. Wallowing alone with your personal tragedies only allows them to fester inside you so that the rest of the blessings in your life go unnoticed.

When your cookie crumbles, do not despair. At least you still have a nice topping for your ice cream.


At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My initial response would have been... Whew!! Thank goodness that didn't happen on the way to the Bank. :o)


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, I woulda cussed!!! But that's the stress talkin'!! Heeeee Merry HO HO !! Sue

At 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a liar. You did too swear :) -Jacki

At 3:56 AM, Blogger Kate + Raymond Abels said...

Well heck you were just gonna eat it anyway! : )
When you said "crash" I thought you'd reverted back to your younger days. : )


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