Busy Busy Busy...
Tess's basketball season is back on track after several "ice days" during which all schools were closed. She's having a pretty good season so far.
During the kids' six day weekend last week, Alicia's school was also closed, so she stayed home with Tess for a couple days. Daddy stayed home one of those days.
This week has been very busy on both the work and home fronts. At home, we're in full Party Prep Mode. Alicia's 4th birthday party is this Sunday afternoon. We're doing a Princess Theme party. We've administered a Royal Decree inviting all the wee princes and princesses in the land to attend the Royal Ball.
I've spent much of my "spare time" this week whipping up sparkly sceptors, princely tunics, princess skirts, and posterboard crowns. Tomorrow, I'll make the castle cake and try to wrap her gifts (which were surplus from Christmas!).
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