Monday, September 21, 2009


I woke up this morning with certainty that I should take a Mental Health Day. Unfortunately, I decided, against my better judgment, to ignore that intuition.

It's difficult to take a day off for yourself when the daycare is closer to your office than to your home.

So I finally got Alicia and myself loaded into the van and made the trek into Anchorage.

I left the house about 1.5 hours later than usual, which put me smack in the middle of elementary school bus rush hour. Go figure.

I got to work just in time to be late to the weekly staff meeting.

I allowed myself, again against my better judgment, to be talked into going to get "weighed in" only to be told I'd gained 3.2 lbs since last week. Go figure.

I dropped off my partner in weight losing crime (she's actually losing weight) back at the office and then escaped to do some mindless, relaxing wandering around one of my favorite spots... the museum. Plunked about 5 quarters into a parking meter just 1.5 blocks from the museum entrance. Walked in the rain past the museum expansion to the entrance to find a note stating the "new entrance" was in the expansion. Trekked back to the other end of the expansion to find a locked door and the museum hours noting it is closed on Mondays. Go figure.

Trekked back to the van, still in the rain, and drove away from a funded parking spot.

I then went to my next favorite spot, the book store. I walked in to find plastic sheeting and fresh sheetrock hung all over the place. Bookshelves were in various states of emptiness. I couldn't tell if they were going out of business or just renovating. But it turns out it was the latter. Unfortunately, they'd renovated my favorite section (cake decorating) completely out of the store. The new book-selling counter was located in its place. Sigh.

I did finally make my way back to the office. It was a toss up, but I'd left my lunch box in my desk, so I figured I might as well go and retrieve it.

I had a barely productive few hours and then took off early. I picked up Alicia and we went to Target to shop for birthday gifts for an upcoming party. Naturally, we had to get her a toy first. And once the promise of that was secured, she had minimal interest in shopping for anyone else. Hmmmm... who else do I know like that?

Although I left work early with hopes of missing the bulk of rush hour, we left Target just in time to join the Anchorage exodus. Go figure.

On the bright side, tomorrow is Tuesday.


At 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the time you got to the book store , I began to laugh. Should have stayed in bed! Yes?! Take Wednesday off. OK? Mom

At 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day mom :(



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