Temperature Update: 40 degrees F when I got up this morning.
We spent Saturday going to yard sales. We need a few things to tide us over until our belongings arrive. So we made a list. Some things on the list included: cups, cooking pots, an answering machine, silverware, etc. We were able to locate and obtain most of the items we sought with the exception of baby gates. Seems like you see all sorts of baby gates and baby clothes at yard sales unless you’re actually looking for baby gates or baby clothes. Oh well. We’ll just have to continue to keep an eye on the baby around the split level stairways and continue to be thankful for the wall to wall carpeting throughout the house.
Yard sales in Alaska are similar to those in other states. Except on occasion you’ll run into a Moving Sale of people who are leaving the state. These folks will have just about every item they own strewn out on their driveway with Make An Offer posted somewhere. It’s so expensive to ship things to and from Alaska, we’ve been warned not to accumulate much we’d feel bad about abandoning when/if we leave Alaska. The fact that about 95% of our possessions originally belonged to someone else makes this somewhat of a moot point. But we’ll keep it in mind.
In addition to yard sales, Tess had a sports physical Saturday afternoon. Cheerleading tryouts start Monday. She has to have all her paperwork in before she can participate.
We spent much of Sunday doing 5 loads of laundry at the local Laundromat. It’ll be good to get our washer and dryer back. We spend a lot of money on laundry otherwise. It is nice to get all the laundry done at once. But I still prefer to do it at home while I’m doing other things. In the meantime, we need to convince Donald to quit wearing 2 t-shirts at once every day, and have folks where things more than once if they can.
After the Laundromat, we hit the grocery store. Stephen definitely has to get some income soon. We can’t afford to eat in Alaska and pay our rent! The Little Debbie’s cakes have a special sticker over the pre-printed price… The sticker says: In Alaska $2.29. Hmmmm. You know it says $1.09 under that sticker! What gives? It’s not like the Cosmic Brownies have suffered any on their extended boat trip to our shores. They don’t have a shelf life that I’m aware of, so why not ship them via the slow boat and cut the cost of making and applying the special sticker!