Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's moving day! (Okay... Moving Day, Part I of III.) The movers have been delayed "for a number of reasons"... ? They are now expected to arrive between 10:30am and 11:30am. This is probably a good thing. I'm concerned that they'll dive right in packing up everything in sight before I have a chance to say, "Wait! I'm going to need those van keys to get to Alaska!"

Stephen is off making one of the many trash runs he'll be making before they haul his truck off tomorrow... Not sure what we'll do with that last minute trash on Friday. Take it in the minivan I suppose.

He's also buying a paper to find a fridge to put in this house to rent it so we can take our big lovely jumbo fridge with us!

Last night he and Donald replaced the floor in the main bathroom. Tess and Donald ripped the old floor out while we went to Lowe's to get new linoleum. It looks great in there now. We keep asking ourselves why we wait until we're trying to move out of a place to make it look livable?! Such is life, I guess.

Side note: That job in Charleston just called to set up an interview! Aaarrrggghhhh..... Once again, such is life. Might as well live it up!


At 5:12 PM, Blogger Tricia said...

You can't comment by saying "no comment". That's a comment! :oP


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