Monday, August 28, 2006

It would appear that State Fairs are the same all over the country.

Lots of yummy, unhealthy foods, people trying to guess your weight, age, or whatever...

Rides that require you to purchase a sheet of tickets beforehand, because that way you might forget that the 4-5 tickets you handed over to ride an oversized swingset cost you the same amount as your last car payment.

Buildings full of crowing roosters and lumbering cattle.

More buildings full of quilts and canned zucchini. (How do you judge a jar of zucchini?)

I guess the thing that sets the Alaska State Fair off from all others is the fact that it's in Alaska! While you're meandering through crowds of folks dressed in layers of flannel and polar fleece, you can glance up and see tall peaks of snow-topped mountains. (That's Stephen there in the plaid.)

We had a great day at the fair. It didn't rain! We saw a lumberjack show, ate lots of good fair food, and walked until our feet ached.


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