Well, according to Tess, "High school is great!" She seems to really like it. So that's a relief. Not that I really suspected she wouldn't. But with teen girl mood swings, I wasn't sure she'd admit how much she liked it.
And Donald claimed yesterday that everything seems to be working out all right. He's loving his new job at the grocery store. He rode the bus from school there yesterday afternoon. He says he never thought having a job would be this much fun. [I told him he must be doing something wrong... ;o) ] At any rate, he's still in that euphoric state of "wow, they're PAYING me to do this!"...
First day of school duds...
2nd day of school duds for Tess... (She's all into the "gotta wear what everyone else is wearing" stage.)
I saw a fast food commercial last night with a tattoo artist wearing this EXACT same outfit (with a few more studs and tattoos...)!
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