Monday, August 14, 2006

The return from San Diego was relatively uneventful. I arrived at the airport 3 hours early just in case things got hairy with the new terrorist threats... However, I discovered that the level of security efficiency had been underestimated. Turns out, the security folks at the San Diego airport were already diligently checking passengers at a rapid rate. So the earlier arrival time on my part was not used up waiting in line at the checkpoint. Rather it was used up lying on the floor behind the Gate Desk reading a magazine and munching on Jack in the Box chicken strips...

I'd have sat in a seat, but everyone else apparently also heeded the "get there early" warning and the place was more crowded than JFK International during a blizzard.... Ah well. Moods were festive, so it wasn't so bad. Nothing like near tragedy to lighten the mood.


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