Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Global warming comes to Alaska. We're having a heat wave... Temps should top out in the 20's today! Yahoo! Break out the shorts and tank tops!

Okay, maybe it's not quite that warm. But I was able to pump gas into my empty tank this morning without zipping my coat or wrapping my scarf around my neck in quadruplicate.

Gas was $2.25/gallon by the way. The price has dropped a bit here lately. Probably has where you are too.

Last night we managed to get our tree into it's position, unbound, and partially lit. It seems we're missing a few of our Christmas supplies. I'll be swinging by Wally World today to pick up more white lights and some icing bags so we can make some gingerbread progress....

For some reason, I wasn't in the mood for tree decorating last night. Usually, that's one of my favorite activities. I like to make some cocoa, put on some Christmas music and make it a family affair. But last night I just couldn't get in to it. I'm not sure whether it was because I was super tired (could barely keep my eyes open), or because my Christmas music ambience had been replaced with 3 hours of American Choppers wafting in the background. Probably both.


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