Thursday, December 28, 2006

Who needs light? Heat will suffice!

The winds were whipping last night at our house. All the snow on the back deck has been drifted around till it resembles a white Sahara. Amusing to watch as you sat inside being thankful that you weren't outside....

However, our power kept flickering on and off and finally settled for "off" at around 9:30pm. So as we went to bed without heat and wondering if it would cut back on before we had to start eating up all the food in the fridge(s)... we were scolding ourselves for being underprepared for this (or any other) sort of emergency.

Back in Virginia, I had stockpiled tubs of food, powdered milk, drinking water and other emergency supplies in case of a bird flu epidemic. And now, here we sit at the gateway for bird flu and other sorts of emergency situations without so much as a battery operated radio! We were able to muster up a couple of flashlights the baby had yet to drain the batteries of.

At around 4am the power was still out and Stephen started a fire in the upstairs fireplace to warm up the living area. I called the power company and was told it may be another hour or so, at least that was their hope.

I went back to bed wondering how I was going to go to work at 7am without a shower and leaving my baby in the care of a 16 year old boy with no electricity, water, heat, etc....

The power popped on at 5:45am and I sunk into deep sleep full of odd dreams for the next 45 minutes. Hopefully the power stays on at least till I can get home at 11:30 this morning. I'm only working a half day.


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