Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's happening... :o)

We've been having issues with our at-home connection. And since, I've been out of work for most of last week, I apologize for the spotty posting...

We're back online at the house now...

Sick update: I'm better, Alicia's better, Stephen's on the mend, Tess started vomiting last night but will hopefully bounce back quickly, Donald has yet to show symptoms.

I got all the Christmas wrapping done this morning before anyone else staggered out of bed. I have two loaves of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip bread in the oven in preparation for the Christmas potluck after church today.

Donald is no longer employed at the grocery store. His basketball practices and games were causing too much of a conflict.

By the way, I've recently moved to the new blogger version which apparently made it tricky for folks to leave comments... I've now changed a setting so anyone can comment, not just "registered users". So comment away! It makes me feel like someone cares!


At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Glad to hear most everyone is on the mend. I have enjoyed following your adventure. A very Merry Christmas to each of you.


At 6:04 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hey, I'm glad to hear everyone is feeling better. I sent out my package to you guys on Sat. They said it should be there by Fri. I will be leaving for Mom's on Fri morning. :o)

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

Thanks Denise! Merry Christmas to you all as well!

And Rebecca (coincidentally residing in the same town as Denise...), boxes seem to be taking 3 or 4 days to get here, so I'm sure it'll arrive soon! Thanks! (It only took about 36 hours for our box to go from AK to SC...)


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