Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Moose :o)

Imagine my surprise when I attempted to cross the courtyard outside my office building this morning on my way in to work. (Folks here can tell I'm a foreigner...)
I forgot my purse and cell phone today... but I brought my camera! :o) For those unexpected bull moose sightings in downtown Anchorage. At least I think he's a bull. If not, she's one HUGE mama!

Apparently, this moose is a frequent visitor to our hedge in the winter. When I initially walked in, he was just on the other side of the bushes from me. I went back out for a second (distant) look with hopes of getting a better photo. I found using no flash at all worked better. You can just see his silhouette and the hump of his very tall shoulder. I figured minimizing the flash usage might also minimize my chances of being trampled... Always a plus.


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