Friday, December 01, 2006

Now we're talking!

The forecast called for 1-3” of snow last night. I didn’t measure, but it looked more like 6-8” in our driveway. And the snow is still falling. We should get another 4” or so before it stops this afternoon.

I have seen snowplows in this state, but apparently they don’t break them out unless things are REALLY bad, or there’s no forecast of snow and the drivers are just dying of boredom. I did not see any signs of snow removal trucks this morning as I drove in to work.

And as for school closings. Not happening. If the buses (which are equipped with chains) can get around, there’ll be school. Bus routes are purposely structured to avoid hills and potentially tricky spots should we get the occasional snowstorm. This is why our kids are expected to hike ½ mile down a hill to their bus stop. These days they generally get a ride with me in the morning.

In other news: Tess had her first quilting class last night. It had been my intention to stick around in case she needed help. She’s rather inexperienced with a sewing machine. However, family logistics precluded that scenario and I ended up dropping her off to wing it and coming back for the last half of the class once Dad was able to be home with the "big girl".

This was probably for the best, because even in the brief time I was there at the beginning I found myself answering for her to the teacher and generally being a hovering maternal figure. When I came back later I discovered that she was doing a great job sewing long seams and cutting her pieces with the rotary cutter. Enough to make a crafty mom proud! Plus, she enjoyed the camaraderie of her classmates (who were all my age). She has one more class next Thursday. She seems to be enjoying it. Yay!


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