Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Moonrise Over Bear Mountain

As I drove up the hill from the mailbox yesterday evening, this was my view of the moonrise.

Sorry I never seem to have my camera with me when a moose is munching nearby. (I think any time we see moose at this point, they're munching. Although, Stephen said he saw one lying down near the gate to Elmendorf AFB the other day. Must have been taking a break from munching.) I did hear on the traffic report last night that a bull moose was causing a backup on 36th Avenue. By the way, if you're a moose fanatic like me, I saw an article in the mainstream news today regarding our Anchorage moose.

Interesting fact for nonlocals... Streets in Anchorage are laid out in a grid similar to NYC. They are numbered north to south. And lettered or alphabetically named from west to east. Downtown is 1st Ave through about 9th Ave. My office building is on 7th Ave between E & F Street. The highest Ave I've seen is 142nd Ave in South Anchorage.


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