This Site Under Construction
My office building is surrounded by noisy construction on two sides now. Cranes are towering over my head wherever I go. It's like working on the set of "Bob the Builder".
I'm sure all the banging, grinding, and "backing up-beeping" will result in some useful structures. One will be a parking garage for my building and the other is the convention center. But they will also serve to block my entire view of the inlet and the mountains. Sigh. Already, that view is largely concealed.
You can see a reflection of the Chugach Mountains in the side of the building. The people on that side of the building will retain their vista.
I just noticed that the building in the foreground apparently has a tree growing in the middle of it. Interesting. The federal building down the street has trees inside the building surrounded by a greenhouse sort of wall. Whatever it takes, I suppose....
You can note by that tree there in the building, that Alaska is turning a spring green. Almost overnight it seems we've gone from bare branches to delightful green. It's lovely to behold on the hillsides. I'll try to get some photos of it before too long....
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