Saturday, January 31, 2009

Village Trip and Prom Gowns

This morning I went to an orientation for my upcoming trip out to Grayling and Holy Cross. Both villages are on the lower Yukon River in the western interior of Alaska. I depart on Friday and return Sunday, weather permitting. My flights will take me through Aniak, AK. I'll be sure to take some good photos.

I've been told it's best to wear all of my snow gear on the flights for two reasons. One: small planes are usually pretty cold inside. Two: there are generally no buildings at village airstrips and my "shuttle" from the airstrip to the village itself will most likely be via snowmachine or ATV.

After my orientation, I spent the afternoon with Tess at a bridal shop trying on prom gowns. I think she tried on about 3000 dresses. Many of them were really lovely. Unfortunately, the loveliness of a gown is directly proportionate to the shock of its price tag. In the end, our favorite one had a price of $489! Ouch. We're weighing our options. The prom is still 2 months away.


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