Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rodeo Clown

Well, she's gone and done it... Tess has joined the rodeo. Who among you is surprised? Just as I suspected... no one. :o)

Okay, it's the WildRide Sled Dog Rodeo in downtown Anchorage. If you're in town, you should stop by and watch the show. They perform 2 shows daily.

Tess's jobs vary daily. Some days she helps run the show. Other days she's scrubbing port-o-potties and memorizing doggy names. Tonight she was supposed to be working in the dining room. When we stopped by for a quick visit, she was raking the gravel racetrack and covered with dirt. Apparently, part of the job included carting cute sled dog puppies around downtown Anchorage to lure unsuspecting tourists down to the show.

She seems to be enjoying it. And I think it'll be a fun summer job for her. The rodeo has a website at Have a look...

This one snazzy looking dog is from Hollywood. He was in the movie "Snow Buddies".


At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Wow!!! I'm jealous. Very cool. If I come in the summer time definitely need to check that out.


At 8:50 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

I knew you would be... Come on up this summer!

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Kate + Raymond Abels said...

Rodeo or circus it had to be one! : ) Way cool job!


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