Friday, November 06, 2009

Moose Alert

Announcement over the office PA: Attention, there is a moose in the parking lot. So please be very careful if you need to go outside.

I chose that time to go get my morning cup of tea... taking the long circumference route of the office in hopes of finding Mr. Moose. No luck. But at least I have my tea.

Sitting back at my desk, I dove back into my work.

After about 10 minutes, the lighting got slightly dimmer and I had the distinct feeling of being watched. I thought a truck might have driven up next to my streetside window. I glanced up to find Mr. Moose blocking half of my window, watching me.

He nibbled some of the berries off the tree nearby and then moved on.

You can see here where his antler had recently been... Other than the gaping wound, he was a very dashing moose.

We named him Muffin.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a mighty cute muffin. That must have been fun to watch outside your office window. :o)


At 1:45 PM, Blogger Kate + Raymond Abels said...

Maybe you should have offered him internet access? : )
What a great experience!


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