Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dinner's on the Table

Alicia May has opened a bank account. She needed a place to deposit any gift money she receives for birthdays, etc. So now she has a savings account.

We've gone back to having a sit-down meal at dinner time with the whole family. I'm not sure how successful we'll be during the work week, because we're rarely all in the house at the same evening hour. But for weekends, at least, we should be able to do it. And something's better than nothing! I was pleased with the return of what had become elusive family conversation. If only for that 20 minutes or so at the dinner table with the TV off and munching going on, we did manage to communicate.

Last night, Stephen made salmon chowder using a recipe we got off the web. It was alright, more like soup than chowder. We plan on researching other recipes till we find something we all love. Neither Tess nor Alicia is a big fan of fish. But the guys like it a lot! And, let's face it, there's salmon a-plenty here in Alaska!


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will send along my EASY recipe for Chicken Veggie Stew. Thick and chunky for a cold winter's eve. Yummmm! Sue


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